149 research outputs found

    External field effect of modified Newtonian dynamics in the Solar system

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    The Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) has been formulated as a modification of the Poisson equation for the Newtonian gravitational field. This theory generically predicts a violation of the strong version of the equivalence principle, and as a result the gravitational dynamics of a system depends on the external gravitational field in which the system is embedded. This so-called external field effect has been recently shown to imply the existence of an anomalous quadrupolar correction, along the direction of the external Galactic field, in the gravitational potential felt by planets in the Solar System. In this paper we confirm the existence of this effect by a numerical integration of the MOND equation in the presence of an external field, and compute the secular precession of the perihelion of planets induced by this effect. We find that the precession effect is rather large for outer gaseous planets, and in the case of Saturn is comparable to published residuals of precession obtained by Saturn range tracking data. The effect is much smaller for inner planets, but in the case of the Earth it appears to be in conflict for most of the MOND functions μ(y)\mu(y) with the very good constraint on the perihelion precession obtained from Jupiter VLBI data. The MOND functions that are compatible with this constraint appear to have a very rapid transition from the MONDian regime to the Newtonian one.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Testing MOND in the Solar System

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    The Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) generically predicts a violation of the strong version of the equivalence principle. As a result the gravitational dynamics of a system depends on the external gravitational field in which the system is embedded. This so-called external field effect is shown to imply the existence of an anomalous quadrupolar correction, along the direction of the external galactic field, in the gravitational potential felt by planets in the Solar System. We compute this effect by a numerical integration of the MOND equation in the presence of an external field, and deduce the secular precession of the perihelion of planets induced by this effect. We find that the precession effect is rather large for outer gaseous planets, and in the case of Saturn is comparable to, and in some cases marginally excluded by published residuals of precession permitted by the best planetary ephemerides.Comment: 8 pages, two figures, to appear in the proceedings of the "46th Rencontres de Moriond and GPhyS Colloquium on Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity", la Thuile, March 20-27, 201

    A new spectral apparent horizon finder for 3D numerical relativity

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    We present a new spectral-method-based algorithm for finding apparent horizons in three-dimensional space-like hypersurfaces without symmetries. While there are already a wide variety of algorithms for finding apparent horizons, our new algorithm does not suffer from the same weakness as previous spectral apparent horizon finders: namely the monopolar coefficient (=0\ell=0 in terms of the spherical harmonics decomposition) needed to be determined by a root-finding procedure. Hence, this leads to a much faster and more robust spectral apparent horizon finder. The finder is tested with the Kerr-Schild and Brill-Lindquist data. Our finder is accurate and is as efficient as the currently fastest methods developed recently by Schnetter (2003 Class. Quantum Grav. {\bf 20}, 4719) and Thornburg (2004 Class. Quantum Grav. {\bf 21}, 743). At typical resolutions it takes only 0.5 second to find the apparent horizon of a Kerr-Schild black hole with a=0.9Ma=0.9M to the accuracy 105\sim 10^{-5} for the fractional error in the horizon's location on a 2 GHz processor.Comment: Minor changes and references added. Published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Influence of pions and hyperons on stellar black hole formation

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    We present numerical simulations of stellar core-collapse with spherically symmetric, general relativistic hydrodynamics up to black hole formation. Using the CoCoNuT code, with a newly developed grey leakage scheme for the neutrino treatment, we investigate the effects of including pions and \Lambda-hyperons into the equation of state at high densities and temperatures on the black hole formation process. Results show non-negligible differences between the models with reference equation of state without any additional particles and models with the extended ones. For the latter, the maximum masses supported by the proto-neutron star are smaller and the collapse to a black hole occurs earlier. A phase transition to hyperonic matter is observed when the progenitor allows for a high enough accretion rate onto the proto-neutron star. Rough estimates of neutrino luminosity from these collapses are given, too.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. Minor change

    General relativistic neutrino transport using spectral methods

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    We present a new code, Lorene's Ghost (for Lorene's gravitational handling of spectral transport) developed to treat the problem of neutrino transport in supernovae with the use of spectral methods. First, we derive the expression for the nonrelativistic Liouville operator in doubly spherical coordinates (r, theta, phi, epsilon, Theta, Phi)$, and further its general relativistic counterpart. We use the 3 + 1 formalism with the conformally flat approximation for the spatial metric, to express the Liouville operator in the Eulerian frame. Our formulation does not use any approximations when dealing with the angular arguments (theta, phi, Theta, Phi), and is fully energy-dependent. This approach is implemented in a spherical shell, using either Chebyshev polynomials or Fourier series as decomposition bases. It is here restricted to simplified collision terms (isoenergetic scattering) and to the case of a static fluid. We finish this paper by presenting test results using basic configurations, including general relativistic ones in the Schwarzschild metric, in order to demonstrate the convergence properties, the conservation of particle number and correct treatment of some general-relativistic effects of our code. The use of spectral methods enables to run our test cases in a six-dimensional setting on a single processor.Comment: match published versio

    "Mariage des Maillages": A new numerical approach for 3D relativistic core collapse simulations

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    We present a new 3D general relativistic hydrodynamics code for simulations of stellar core collapse to a neutron star, as well as pulsations and instabilities of rotating relativistic stars. It uses spectral methods for solving the metric equations, assuming the conformal flatness approximation for the three-metric. The matter equations are solved by high-resolution shock-capturing schemes. We demonstrate that the combination of a finite difference grid and a spectral grid can be successfully accomplished. This "Mariage des Maillages" (French for grid wedding) approach results in high accuracy of the metric solver and allows for fully 3D applications using computationally affordable resources, and ensures long term numerical stability of the evolution. We compare our new approach to two other, finite difference based, methods to solve the metric equations. A variety of tests in 2D and 3D is presented, involving highly perturbed neutron star spacetimes and (axisymmetric) stellar core collapse, demonstrating the ability to handle spacetimes with and without symmetries in strong gravity. These tests are also employed to assess gravitational waveform extraction, which is based on the quadrupole formula.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures; added more information about convergence tests and grid setu

    Interpreting Deep Learning-Based Networking Systems

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    While many deep learning (DL)-based networking systems have demonstrated superior performance, the underlying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) remain blackboxes and stay uninterpretable for network operators. The lack of interpretability makes DL-based networking systems prohibitive to deploy in practice. In this paper, we propose Metis, a framework that provides interpretability for two general categories of networking problems spanning local and global control. Accordingly, Metis introduces two different interpretation methods based on decision tree and hypergraph, where it converts DNN policies to interpretable rule-based controllers and highlight critical components based on analysis over hypergraph. We evaluate Metis over several state-of-the-art DL-based networking systems and show that Metis provides human-readable interpretations while preserving nearly no degradation in performance. We further present four concrete use cases of Metis, showcasing how Metis helps network operators to design, debug, deploy, and ad-hoc adjust DL-based networking systems.Comment: To appear at ACM SIGCOMM 202

    A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s

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    Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.Peer reviewe